Ebor Public School

Success in learning

Telephone02 6775 9136


About our school

We welcome students and their families to our well resourced school, which provides a consistent, safe and supportive environment in which all our students can reach their full potential.

Our school aims to assist in the development of happy children who are good citizens, always caring of others, motivated, conscientious, confident and self-disciplined. 

Due to our small class size and outstanding student to teacher ratios, we are able to provide each of our students with a learning plan specifically tailored to their individual needs and talents. 

Ebor Public School is special in that each of our students has their own computer, which is dedicated to their use of technology across all the Key Learning Areas. 

New programs include our environmental education community partnerships and our achievements in the creative and practical Arts. 

Literacy and numeracy are school focus areas, which are further supported by extra Department of Education staffing and funding. 

Students participate in regular excursions and Combined Small Schools' Days, providing many opportunities for students to interact and learn within a large group of peers. 

We have a supportive parents and citizens' association (P&C) with parents who are invited to be actively involved in their children's school life. If you are interested in any special activities, such as supporting student reading, being involved in the Active After School Communities (AASC) sports program, or have other talents you would like to share, you will be more than welcome at our small school! 

Ebor Public School plays an important role in our community by providing a focal point for many community and school based meetings or activities. 

The pride we have in our school is reflected in our school motto: While we learn we grow. 

Ebor Public School